WCSM Headline News

May 28, 2024

Chip and seal season is here




Mercer County Engineer Jim Wiechart is announcing that crews will be starting the yearly chip and seal work within the next week on approximately 98 miles of rural local roads in Mercer County.


We are requesting that yard mowing trimmings not be blown onto the county and township roads. Cut grass on the pavement creates additional prep work to get the roads ready for chip and seal and impedes the speed of the work.


Blowing excess grass onto the roadway also makes a hazard for motorists and especially motorcycle riders that most of us don’t think about related to loss of traction. This becomes even more dangerous with rain on the roadway. Stopping distances increase and friction between the tires and pavement decrease. This scenario has caused tragic accidents and has opened up unknowing property owners to lawsuits. We respectfully request that private mowers are turned around for a couple of passes to keep our roads and traveling public safe.


County and township roads with “Loose Stone” or “Loose Gravel” signs posted are roads that are scheduled to be chip and sealed this season. These roads will have temporary closures during the chip and seal process. Excess stone from the placement of the asphalt emulsion will be broomed after the asphalt emulsion has set up. Usually, within a day or two of placement, brooming of the excess stone will occur. We thank you for your patience in helping to keep the traveling public and our workers safe.


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