WCSM Headline News

May 29, 2024

WOCAP Landlord Incentive Program

Landlord Incentive Program


West Ohio CAP in conjunction with the Mental Health and Recovery Service Board of Allen, Auglaize and Hardin Counties is now offering the Landlord Incentive Program. The purpose of this program is to:


  1. Increase the number of landlords willing to rent to at risk individuals and

  2. To secure permanent housing for these individuals


Tenant Requirements for Assistance

Persons with Criminal Records

Person exiting hospitals

Persons experiencing Mental Health Crisis

Persons experiencing Substance Use Disorders


Eligible Activities

Additional Security Deposit

Vacancy Payment to Hold Unit

Minor repairs for property to meet HQS

Pet Deposits

Additional Insurance coverage for Landlords

Maximum assistance of $2,000.00 in total


Please contact Leora Donley- Housing Director West Ohio Cap if there are any questions.



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