WCSM Headline News

Jun 3, 2024

Mercer County Engineer Jim Weichart issues a statement about corn in the right of way




Mercer County Engineer Jim Wiechart is reminding landowners and farmers that corn that has been planted and is encroaching in the road right-of-ways can be a very serious sight problem on the narrower township and county roads. “Such sight problems limiting the ability of the traveling public to see, can be particularly hazardous; causing the very real and dangerous potential for intersection accidents,” Wiechart said.


The Mercer County Engineer’s Office requests that landowners review these intersections where they have corn planted and if they see sight problems, they lessen the hazard by removing that portion of the crop that is obstructing the clear line of sight. Details regarding existing township and county road right-of-way widths may be obtained by contacting the engineer’s office.



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