WCSM Headline News

Jun 7, 2024

Celina City Council to meet Monday

The Celina City Council will meet Monday Night. The Council will consider the first reading of an ordinance authorizing a lease agreement between the city and Driftwood RC Model Boat Club for the least of Eastview Park. The Council will also consider legislation to sell the Public Works Building at 308 Portland Street to the Celina School District. The Council will also consider ordinances for the construction of new restrooms at the Bryson Park District and at Westview Park. In other business, the Celina City Council will consider an ordinance to enter into an amended agreement with the Celina Municipal Employees Representative Committee. 


Call to Order and Roll Call


Acceptance of Agenda


Executive Session


Corrections and acceptance of the Regular Council Meeting Minutes & Special Meeting
~Council Meeting Minutes- May 13, 2024
~Special Meeting Minutes- May 20, 2024


Committee Reports
~Committee of the Whole- May 13, 2024
~Committee of the Whole- May 13, 2024




Audience Communications


New Business:
39-24-O: An Ordinance authorizing a lease agreement between the City of Celina and the
Driftwood RC Model Boat Club for the lease of the Eastview Park.
40-24-O: An Ordinance approving the Sale of Real Estate commonly known as the Public Works
Building to the Celina City School District Board of Education, a political subdivision existing
under the Laws of the State of Ohio, and authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement for
Sale of Real Estate.
41-24-O: An Ordinance authorizing the Safety-Service Director to advertise and receive bids and
enter into an agreement for the construction of a new restroom at the Bryson Park District and
appropriating funds.
42-24-O: An Ordinance authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into an amended
agreement with the Celina Municipal Employees Representative Committee (“CMERC”) and
declaring an emergency.
43-24-O: An Ordinance appropriating funds and amending various categories within Ordinance
48-23-O as the Fifth Supplement to the 2024 Annual Appropriations and declaring an emergency.
44-24-O: An Ordinance authorizing the Safety-Service Director to advertise and receive bids and
enter into an agreement for the construction of the new restroom at Westview Park and
appropriating funds.

11-24-R: A Resolution opposing Dominion Energy Ohio’s proposed 30% rate increase and
requesting that the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio deny Dominion Energy Ohio’s request for
the same and declaring an emergency.


Old Business (Second Reading):
35-24-O: An Ordinance to vacate a portion of Right-of-Way Easement on West Bank Road
situated within the City of Celina, Ohio; and declaring an emergency.
37-24-O: An Ordinance authorizing the Safety-Service Director to award the construction of the
pickleball courts fence to Hess Fencing LLC, to appropriate money from the General Fund for
deposit in the Park Capital Fund, to transfer funds, and declare an emergency.

10) Administrative Reports
11) For the Good of the Order
12) Adjournment

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