WCSM Headline News

Jun 21, 2024

Celina City Council to meet Monday

Call to Order and Roll Call
Acceptance ofAgenda
Corrections and acceptance of the Regular Council Meeting Minutes
~Council Meeting Minutes- June 10, 2024
Committee Reports
Audience Communications
New Business:
43-24-O: An Ordinance to accept the petition for the annexation of 6.75 acres more or less in
Jefferson Township to the City of Celina; to be known as Machine-Pro Technologies, LLC
44-24-O: An Ordinance appropriating funds from the LWCF Grant Program Fund for
reimbursement back to various funds and declaring an emergency.
45-24-O: An Ordinance appropriating funds and amending various categories within Ordinance
48-23-O as the Fifth Supplement to the 2024 Annual Appropriations and declaring an emergency.
46-24-O: An Ordinance authorizing a lease agreement between the City of Celina and the Ohio
Marshallese Community, Inc. for the lease of Eastview Park and declaring an emergency.
Old Business (Second Reading):
39-24-O: An Ordinance authorizing a lease agreement between the City of Celina and the
Driftwood RC Model Boat Club for the lease of the Eastview Park.
42-24-O: An Ordinance authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into an amended
agreement with the Celina Municipal Employees Representative Committee (“CMERC”) and
declaring an emergency.
Administrative Reports
10) For the Good of the Order
11) Adjournment

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