WCSM Headline News

Jul 22, 2024

Celina City Council Meeting for July 22nd

Celina City Council Meeting for July 22nd

During the Meeting, Celina Mayor Jeff Hazel gave an update on a recent meeting between himself, Council President Jason King, Councilman Matt Gray and Celina Fire Chief Joel Lange:

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The Council also heard from several concerned members of the public. To view the meeting in its entirety:

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The Council also heard from Richard Sherrick from the Van Wert Community Concert Band.

The Council passed an ordinance appropriating funds and amending various categories within a prior ordinance as a supplement to the 2024 annual appropriations.

Under old business, the Celina City Council passed the second reading of an ordinance authorizing the Safety-Service Director to accept bids for the Mill Street Improvement Project. The Council also passed the third reading of an ordinance to accept a petition for the annexation of 6.75 acres in Jefferson Township to the city of Celina to be known as the Machine Pro Technologies LLC Annexation.

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