WCSM Headline News

Jul 31, 2024

Celina's Rod Carpenter to bike around the lake on September 28th

Celina’s rod carpenter is switching from running to biking for his next event. Carpenter will bike around grand lake on Saturday  September 28th. Carpenter explains what this event means:

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Carpenter also expressed his concern over so many young people taken too soon the local area. The following is a statement Rod Carpenter released on social media:


"Ok, I had hinted that I had something some may think is crazy and others have gone further and think this should be a piece of cake.
I have carried 5 flags for a group called Flags 4 Fallen. 4 of them during marathons and one half marathon. It truly seems to bring joy to the family's lives that their loved one is honored and remembered.
So, I don't run anymore at least for now due to a bum left foot (which is now much better). I am now biking and enjoying it. So what I am going to do on September 28th (as long as it is not real windy) is ride 3 laps around Grand Lake. The route I intend to take will be aprox 24 miles per lap. I will ride 3 miles to get to my start point on Lakeshore. Each lap I will carry the American Flag and at completion of the lap it will be presented to the family if they are able to be there. If not, we will deliver it. I have 2 young men confirmed and will be working on another tomorrow. So far I will carry in honor of Ethan Brunswick and Andrew "AJ" Taylor.
I want all to understand we have had many young people taken too soon in our area. Not every family wants this done for them or it may be too fresh for them right now. I tried to carry for a family in Minnesota years ago and they just didn't want it but appreciated the gesture. It is not picking one kid over another for any reason just going with my gut.
Furthest I have gone to date is about 42 miles so I know I can do 2 laps for sure. There is plenty of time to get some work in to get me thru lap 3. My Facebook friend from Canada, Sir Tim Wilkinson Knight of Sufferlandria and Ultra Man, has been giving me tips on nutrition during my ride which is a huge help.
So when I get the third person confirmed I will let you all know. As we get closer more details will be posted. I do hope anyone that knows these families or even if you don't know them will come down and support them that day if they are able to make it. They need your support. Thanks!"

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