WCSM Headline News

Jan 30, 2025

Jersey Poff's family donates a Buddy Bench to the St Marys Intermediate School

Jersey Poff was a 5th grader at St Marys Intermediate school when she passed away at the age of 11 in September of 2023 following a brief illness. To hear comments from Jersey's mom Alison Poff:

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From the St Marys School District:

"Thank you so much to the Poff family for generously donating this Buddy Bench in honor of their daughter, Jersey. When installed, a Buddy Bench is a safe place for student who may be looking for someone to play with on the playground. They may sit and observe the playground activity and decide which activity to join, and if others see a friend on the bench they can invite them to play. We are looking forward to educating our kids on how they can show kindness and invite others to play with them and how to support one another with this gift. Jersey was a wonderful student with a big heart. We are proud and honored to carry on her kindness on our playground through this donation. Thank you to the Poffs for yor generous and thoughtful gift to our kids at West. We will be installing the bench on the playground this spring."

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