WCSM Headline News

Feb 1, 2025

Lake Improvement Association holds February Meeting

To listen to the February 2025 Meeting of the Lake Improvement Association:

Click Here

To view the meeting:

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The following is an AI Generated summary of the meeting:

Meeting Notes

1. Community Projects and Events

  • Raffle Ticket Sales
    Discussion on selling raffle tickets for the Bike and Boat Show, with tickets available from Jeff and others. Encouragement to sell to friends and family.

  • Shelter House and Playground Project
    Update on the shelter house and playground project, including funding and installation plans. The goal is to have it operational by Memorial Day.

  • All Abilities Playground
    Update on the All Abilities Playground project, including funding challenges and solutions. Installation is planned for this year.

  • Winter Icebreaker Event
    Details about the upcoming Winter Icebreaker event, including entertainment, ticket sales, and auction items.

  • Membership Update
    Update on membership renewals and processing. Members are reassured about mailed renewals.

  • State Park Picnic Tables
    Discussion on funding for rebuilding picnic tables at the state park, with costs and benefits outlined.

  • Cornhole Boards
    Information on the design and location of new cornhole boards for Sunset Beach.

  • Grand Lake CBB Travel Planner
    Announcement of the new Grand Lake CBB travel planner and its features, including L.A. promotions.

  • State Park Update
    Update on lake levels, rainfall, and campsite availability. Safety warnings about ice conditions are also provided.


  1. Tickets are available for purchase and distribution.

  2. The project aims to be completed by Memorial Day with ongoing fundraising efforts.

  3. The project is progressing with additional funding secured for swings.

  4. Tickets are selling fast; attendees are encouraged to purchase soon.

  5. Membership processing is ongoing, with updates expected next month.

  6. Funding for picnic tables has been secured and ordered.

  7. Cornhole boards have been ordered and will be available at Sunset Beach.

  8. The travel planner is available at various locations.

  9. Lake conditions are monitored, and safety precautions are advised.

2. Environmental Science and Watershed Management

  • Scholarships and Donations
    Mary Grant donated $1,000 towards a scholarship for students working in Dr. Jacquemin's lab. Layton Proven will also provide two scholarships, totaling three scholarships for lab personnel.

  • 2024 Watershed Report
    Dr. Jacquemin presented a review of the watershed conditions in 2024, highlighting low-flow conditions due to uneven precipitation distribution, with significant rain in April.

  • Wetlands Performance
    Wetlands processed 625 million gallons of water, with Coldwater Creek handling the majority. Prairie Creek and Big Chickasaw Creek are expected to improve next year.

  • Algal Toxin Levels
    Microcystin toxin levels in 2024 were significantly lower than the average of previous years, with reductions in all seasons.


  1. Three scholarships will be provided to lab personnel.

  2. The timing of precipitation was a major factor in 2024's watershed conditions.

  3. Wetlands effectively reduced nutrient levels, improving water quality.

  4. Toxin levels were below advisory thresholds and showed improvement over past years.

3. Lake management and environmental conservation efforts

  • Lake Ice Formation
    Discussion on why certain areas of the lake remain unfrozen despite cold temperatures. Factors include wind impact, water movement, and insufficient cold days. Algae presence was ruled out as a factor.

  • Wetlands Expansion
    Exploration of opportunities for expanding wetlands in the watershed. Historical context of wetland reduction and recent restoration efforts were discussed. Future expansion should be strategically placed.

  • Upcoming Presentation
    Announcement of a presentation by Dr. Chuck Sambaglio on the geologic history of the area, covering topics from ancient seas to ice ages.

 [ ] Winter Icebreaker event on February 15th at Romer's.
 [ ] Shelter house and playground project completion by Memorial Day.
 [ ] Membership updates expected next month.
 [ ] Cornhole boards to be available at Sunset Beach.
 [ ] Improvements to Prairie Creek and increased pump activity at Big Chickasaw Creek are planned.
 [ ] Theresa Dirksen will discuss wetlands funding opportunities next month.
 [ ] Dr. Chuck Sambaglio's presentation on March 1st about the geologic history of the area.

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