WCSM Headline News

Mar 5, 2025

Rockford Village Council meeting for this week

The following are the minutes as submitted by the Village of Rockford:



Council called to order by Mayor Searight on March 4, 2025 at 7:30 pm.


Let us Pray – Dear God, we give you thanks for what you do and for your grace that you put upon us. Thank you for the opportunity for us to meet and discuss the Village’s needs. We ask that you give us the information and the wisdom to guide us in our decisions. We ask for this all, as we pray in your holy name.



Pledge of Allegiance


Those present: Marcas Heitkamp, Mark Heitkamp, Luke Stephenson, and Chris Heitkamp. Mary Beougher and Shane Young absent


Also attending: Chief Stetler, Ross Finke, Robbie Peel and Erin G from the Daily Standard.


Motion Marcas to accept the agenda as orders of the day. Second Mark.

Luke called for the question. Marcas = y, Mark – y, Luke = y, Chris = y. Passed 4 yes.


Motion Marcas toaccept the minutes from the February 18, 2025 council meeting as presented. Second Mark. Luke called for the question. Marcas = y, Mark = y, Luke = y, Chris = y. Passed 4 yes.


Mayor’s Report and Correspondence


March is here and soon it will be spring and time to go outside and do some things we have been waiting for all winter. Now is the time to prepare for springtime activities – what you want to do and how you will do it. We are doing the same as we are preparing for a breakout of the winter weather and getting ready for our spring projects. The Village has many projects lined up for the Spring and Summer. One of the winter projects has been completed – the Community Building – installed new ceiling tiles, a sound system, and a thorough cleaning of the building. There is more work to be done at a later time.


Franklin Street project is progressing – with favorable weather we will be seeing more activity in that area. Please if at all possible, use an alternate route for your safety and the safety of the workers.


I’ve instructed the Town Administrator and Police Chief to enforce our ordinances concerning junk, trash, and or junk vehicles. We are asking residents to work on these problems before action is needed. It’s your responsibility to clean up your property. It will make the property look better and will help reduce the number of unwanted animals / rodents in town.


If you see trash while walking around town, please pick it up. If we all make an effort to clean up it will help our town look nice and well cared for. Thank you in advance.


Remember it’s better to ‘Give more than you take, and you’ll receive more than you give’.


God Bless you.


Mayor Searight



Upcoming Community information & events:



Saturday – March 8th – Turtle Races – Community Building


Saturday – April 5 - Parkway 5K


Saturday – April 5 – Lions Club Quarter Auction – Community Building


Saturday – April 12 – Rockford Fire Department – Pancake Day


Saturday - April 12 – Parkway Prom


Saturday – April 19 – Shanes Park Easter Egg Hunt




Village Administrator’s Report – Aaron Temple


Franklin Street project - finishing up the storm drains and will be working on concrete removal. Signs are posted – Road Closed --- please avoid the area if at all possible. We are not responsible for damages when drivers disregard the posted signs --- Road Closed !


Shanes Crossing Subdivision - moving forward with Phase II. We have been talking to realtors and developers and will be working with Access Engineering to

go out to bid.


Will also be working on a temporary driveway to the Subdivision from Holly Lane. This way contractors will be coming in from the back and not tear up the new street in Phase I.


Waste Water Plant ---- had high winds last week that caused a section of the pond cover to roll over. We’ve been working on getting it refastened and putting in more solid stakes so that this doesn’t happen again.


Will be purchasing some emergency lighting --- was needed with the waste water plant issues because it was dark while trying to work on the cover.




Committee Reports:


Finance Committee: Shane Young absent – report by Marcas


Motion Marcas to pay the bills as presented- $ 23,514.45

Second Mark. Luke called for the question. Marcas = y, Mark = y, Luke = y, Chris = y. Passed 4 yes.


Motion Marcas to approve the monthly financial reports. Second Chris. Mark called for the question. Marcas = y, Chris =y, Mark = y, Luke = y. Passed 4 yes.


Cash Summary by Fund, Appropriations report, Revenue Report,

Budget vs Actual activity report, Bank statement, comparison report for the water, sewer, and income tax.


Motion Marcas to approve supplemental appropriations to date. Second Luke. Mark called for the question. Marcas = y, Luke = y, Mark = y, Chris = y. Passed 4 yes.


Motion Marcas to approve additional purchase orders. Second Mark. Luke called for the question. Marcas = y, Mark = y, Luke = y, Chris = y. Passed 4 yes.






Motion Marcas. Second Mark. Luke called for the question. Marcas = y, Mark = y, Luke = y, Chris = y. Passed 4 yes.




Rules Committee: Mark Heitkamp


Motion Mark to appoint Lisa Kuhn as a designee on behalf of Mayor and Village Council for Certified Public Records training that will be held on

March 26th. Second Chris. Marcas called for the question. Mark = y, Chris = y, Marcas =y, Luke = y. Passed 4 yes.

This is in conjunction with continuing education conference on March 27th and 28th. Village Office will be closed.


Motion Mark to accept the donation of the HP System with Windows 10 and Microsoft Office 2019 – as is from the State of Ohio. Second Marcas. Luke called for the question. Mark = y, Marcas = y, Luke = y, Chris = y. Passed 4 yes.


Service Committee: Mary Beougher – absent - report by Mayor Searight


Picnic tables for Shanes Park --- new shelter house. Looking for sponsors $150 per table --- with name plaque. Information – please call Mary 419-363-3439.

Vantage has made 8 tables so far. Thank you !


Safety Committee: Chris Heitkamp


With Spring comes tornado watches and warnings ---- the siren was fixed last fall.



Economic Development Committee: Marcas Heitkamp – Council President



Public Utilities Committee: Luke Stephenson


Old Business:


New Business:


Are you interested in serving the Rockford Community? If so, there will be 4 council seats on the ballot this November. All candidates need to file petitions by 4 pm on August 6th.


Village office will be closed March 10 – 14th.


Meeting adjourned 7:48 pm


Severe Weather Alert